

                                                                            Guess the Hen?  Hi everyone! I created a new blog because my old one needed to be deleted and updated. The chickens are all still living! I had some scares over the past few months, but they are alive and well! Little Pecker had a brush with death, but with some EMS care is all good:) I decided to move their coop into the back of the yard now which was an excellent idea, it has been so nice to have them further away. They have a run now, but I do still let them out to roam. However, I am always out there due to hawks. I will post some videos and updates on the coop soon. Their pecking order has since changed! It used to be Red on the Top, Boots, Little Pecker, Cookie. But Cookie has since moved to the top! I would never have to expected this but lately they are figuring out who is the boss. I will be posting regularly with updates so keep an eye out for posts!